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Dorset business volunteering opportunity supports employee health and wellbeing

28 March 2019

Not satisfied with just providing mental health and employee wellbeing training Ouch Training Team are now actively seeking to encourage and facilitate opportunities for employee wellbeing. After running our recent health and wellbeing event at Blandford Brewery we spotted an opportunity to encourage a spot of community volunteering. On a recent Mental Health first aid course one of our clients “Composite profiles” expressed a desire to improve employee wellbeing through the shared experience of community project volunteering. On the same course were members of Dorset wildlife trust. One organisation was looking for volunteers whilst another was looking for a community project in need of help. Ouch facilitated this connection by liaising between the two organisations and documenting their shared experiences through video. Getting your team to work together for a good cause is a great way to improve employee wellbeing and that is exactly what happened on 28 March 2019 at Lorton Meadows in Weymouth. Well done to Composite Profiles and Dorset Wildlife Trust, a fantastic example of what can be done when the people of Dorset work together.