Asbestos could be in the house or building you are working on right now. Left alone, it isn’t dangerous. However, once disturbed, tiny asbestos fibres are released which can prove lethal if breathed in, causing lung disease and cancer. If you don’t take the right precautions to protect yourself, you’re risking your life and your livelihood. It is now a legal requirement that all who may come across asbestos in their day-to-day work, should be provided with appropriate asbestos safety training.
Designed for employees whose work could expose them to asbestos. The training is useful for anyone requiring an understanding of the basic elements of asbestos.
Asbestos Awareness Refresher training is for employees whose work could expose them to asbestos and have a valid Asbestos Awareness certificate to refresh.
Your organisation has a legal duty to manage asbestos and ensure the safety of all affected by your work. This course will show you how to do this practically.
This course gives delegates the theoretical and practical skills to undertake non-licensed works with asbestos-containing materials.
Persons requiring this type of training include trade operatives undertaking tasks with ACMs as defined in HSG210 and in accordance with CAR 2012 Reg 3(2).
Awareness training for ground workers is an adapted Asbestos Awareness course designed to suit the needs of employees whose primary roles involve groundworking.
A refresher course for ground workers is an adapted Asbestos Awareness course designed to suit the needs of employees whose primary roles involve groundworking.
Refresh the Non-Licensed Asbestos Groundworkers, a Non-Licensed Asbestos Work course designed to suit the needs of employees whose roles involve groundworking.
Non-Licensed Asbestos Groundworkers training is a Non-Licensed Asbestos Work course designed to suit the needs of employees whose roles involve groundworking.