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Simon Cassin shortlisted for British Safety Council award

25 February 2020

The Ouch team are really excited to see Simon Cassin shortlisted for the British Safety Council CEO award. The story is featured in this month’s BSC Safety Management magazine on page 34. See link here http://pagesuite.britsafe.org/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=8efce296-88ee-4e6b-9be5-19fb02baf069

This new award recognises the leadership and strategic vision of a CEO who has made a vital contribution to the health and safety of their business and to the wider society during 2019. The British Safety Council have shortlisted 5 people from around the world with 3 being nominated from UK based organisations. UK Simon works with many companies all over the UK supporting them with quality health, safety and wellbeing training and consultancy. He is currently studying with the Open University and is about to complete the fifth year of his 6 year degree. Studying for a BA in philosophical and psychological studies has enabled him to gain a significant understanding of workplace psychology, and critical thinking associated with strategic decision making. Simon has also been contributing to the parliamentary review leadership committee via a podcast and is looking forward to deliver a workplace philosophy webinar for the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) in June.

Having himself experienced mental health issues Simon has become a passionate advocate for mental health and wellbeing at work. During this difficult time there has never been a greater need for supporting the safety, health, mental health and wellbeing of our family, friends and work colleagues. Because of this Ouch have been running a series of free online events designed to assist both its client’s and the local business community. If you would like to know about what’s coming up in the near future or would like a chat to see how we may be able to help please get in touch with the Ouch team, as ever we are here to help.